In an age defined by digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote work, cybersecurity awareness should be a non-negotiable for any organization. Yet, a stark…
Google, UNESCO launch training programme for African journalists
Google and UNESCO have launched the Global Initiative for Excellence in Journalism Education to train and support journalists in Africa. The initiative aims to assist…
What The Guardian’s next editor might think about technology, and what that would mean for journalism
It was the first major news organisation to introduce live blogging, and the first to open commenting across its site. With 120-million unique visitors this…
How to make your journalistic Twitter network rock: A case study
Twitter is as essential a tool for journalism these days as a pen and notepad once were. One tweet can be can be as…
6 breakthrough startups set to disrupt the news industry
In April this year, Memeburn picked ten innovative Knight News Challenge entries that had the potential to propel the news industry forward. The “Networks”…