Why X is in trouble over data, the info used to teach a smart computer

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You’re sharing a funny meme with your friends on X (which used to be Twitter).

You think it’s just between you and your crew. But what if that meme was secretly used to teach a super smart computer how to talk like a human?

That’s basically what happened. X got caught using people’s posts from Europe to train its AI, called Grok, without asking permission first.

This is a big no-no because it breaks privacy rules called the GDPR.

GDPR is like a superhero protecting your personal stuff. It says companies need to be really clear about what they do with your information and get your okay before using it. But X didn’t play fair. They just took people’s posts and fed them to their AI.

People are really mad about this. One group called Noyb is saying X did something wrong and wants stricter rules to stop this from happening again. They think companies should always ask before using your stuff to teach computers.

So, what does this mean for you? Well, it’s a reminder that your online life isn’t always as private as you think. It’s important to be careful about what you share and to know what apps and websites are doing with your information.

Hopefully, this whole mess will lead to better protection for your data.

Also read: SA swimming champ, Tatjana Smith returns to a hero’s welcome



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