The nature of work is undergoing a profound transformation, and at the heart of this shift lies artificial intelligence. Far from being a harbinger…
Kofi Annan on Google+, drones and bombarding world leaders [OYW]
When the world’s leaders have a medical issue, they consult doctors and medical experts. When they have a legal issue, they ask lawyers. But…
WeChat is completely changing shopping in China: here’s how
A lot has been written about WeChat’s stickers, gaming and other social features; but one thing often overlooked is how the popular messaging app…
Gamification: why playing games could be the future of training and e-learning
Gamification has become an increasingly important element within the training industry, one that can often mean the difference between success and failure. In recent…
BlackBerry sold, Google’s birthday and Youtube kills trolls: #StuffToKnow this week
The once ubiquitous smartphone BlackBerry has fallen into the abyss and sold out. Google is celebrating its 15th birthday in hobbit style by giving…