In an age defined by digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote work, cybersecurity awareness should be a non-negotiable for any organization. Yet, a stark…
SA's online media space
At KUGM Online Marketing conference in Rosebank Russell Hanly, Chief Executive of the new, gave us a brief overview of the new…
Web 2.0 a Poo Sandwich?
net savvy Web 2.0 a Poo Sandwich? Some say “Web 2.0” is just the latest meaningless buzzword in a long list of internet hyperbole….
The future of online advertising
net savvy The future of online advertising Here’s a prediction: Expect online advertising to increasingly resemble television commercials. Soon there won’t be too much…
Dot.boom, dot.bomb, dot.reality
\During dot.boom the geeks were cool. Takkies, jeans and T-shirts were to replace ties and sensible shoes in the corridors of power. Boardrooms were…