Game of Thrones S8 E6: spoiler-free GIF-only review

Game of Thrones came to an end on Monday in a blaze of fire, blood and character farewells that are still settling in as we speak.

Even though I did call the ending in my series-finale prediction (contains spoilers), it wasn’t all that satisfying or exciting to watch.

Instead it was as all endings generally are, completely bittersweet.

Jon Snow did what many suspected he would need to do, for the good of the realm.

And the very first, and only on-screen reaction to that act was wonderfully upsetting.

But, all the emotion led to an awe-inspired display of grief and anger. It was the eighth season’s best moment, in my opinion.

Ultimately, however, the person who ends up winning the game of thrones was a bit of a blind side.

And each character’s conclusion, while necessary and justified, was not what I had hoped they would be.

Yet, the episode did feel like an ending to long story, with some ends tied tightly and others not so much.

Feature image: screenshot, Game of Thrones via YouTube

Shereesa Moodley


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