Forget everything you thought you knew about TV. TCL has officially launched its groundbreaking QD-Mini LED technology in South Africa, bringing an entirely new…
Twitter hack: How the massive breach happened
Over the weekend, Twitter shared more details about its investigation into how the breach affecting major accounts such as Bill Gates and Kanye West…
#StopHateForProfit: Facebook responds to ad boycott movement
Facebook has responded to the #StopHateForProfit movement that has seen advertisers boycott the platform in July, claiming it does not profit from hate. At…
Blockchain social media site launches to challenge Big Tech
Voice — a blockchain-based social media site that rewards users for quality content — is finally available for public viewing. The website aims to…
COVID-19 in South Africa: #Covid19isGettingCloser trends as cases rise
As COVID-19 cases in South Africa surge past the 110 000 mark, locals have taken to Twitter to share their concerns and experiences under…