In an age defined by digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote work, cybersecurity awareness should be a non-negotiable for any organization. Yet, a stark…
Here’s one hacked Facebook account, three signs your account is hacked

Losing access to your social media account has to be one of the most frustrating outcomes to date, especially with all the memories backed up on that account.
The loss of contacts, family, friends, birthday messages and even some personal information has to be a blood-pressure-raising turn of events.
We found an account on Facebook with began posting an array of Forex content which raised our suspicion.
With the name Cornelius Boardmember Sothoane on Facebook, the account has been posting Forex content with initial attempts to reach out to the new user fruitless.
Following several other attempts we tracked down the original owner of the Facebook account who confirmed his account was hacked.
So who exactly is operating behind his account?
That will take time to find, but what we do know is they have an angle and it’s not good.
Here are some signs that led us to know that this account was taken over by a new unidentified user.
The first signal was the complete shift in content uploads.
The second was the original account creator confirming the account was hacked. He said attempts to contact Facebook to report the account were fruitless.
The third was login issues.
A clear sign that an account has been taken over by a hacker is the inability to access your own account.
A hacker would clearly technically lock users out of their own accounts by changing access.
Another sign that the above account is compromised is the number of marketing bait the account uses.
This is possibly to lure other unsuspecting victims.
The motive behind any hackers access to an account is always information.
By gaining access to user accounts they now have access to more friends of the hacked account to lure more victims.
Every hacker needs a cover and using other peoples’ accounts provides for the perfect cover when duping victims.
Unsuspecting links sent to other friends could lead victims down a frustrating rabbit hole of identity theft or worse.
Users who suspect a friends account is hacked can use the following link to report and flag it.
This may not completely stop the hacker but it will throw a hurdle in their path to possibly deter them from fraudulently using the account.
Users are advised to be vigilant and never share their passwords with anyone.
Avoid clicking on strange links especially on social media.
If you receive as strange message from a contact. It’s best to ask them over another platform to ensure they sent the message.
Its always better to double check than lose a lifetime of memories.
Also read: Hands-free Tiktok hack you need