If you’ve just bought your first camera, you’re about to embark on an exciting journey into the world of photography. While modern cameras come…
15 techy things we’re giving thanks for this Thanksgiving [Gallery]
It’s Thanksgiving again after an exciting but long year in the tech sphere. Although down here in South Africa we love our turkey as…
Doctors 3D print ‘jelly-like’ brain for neurosurgery training
Operating on someone’s brain is a big deal. There is no room for mistakes. The same way an interning tattoo artist would practice drawing…
If you want to, the EX¹ 3D printer will embed circuit boards into your jeans
Here’s something out of this world. A trending Kickstarter project dedicated to the EX¹ 3D printer allows you to rapidly produce circuit boards on…
Best dad ever makes $10 ‘Robohand’ for disabled son
Commercial 3D printing has benefited us a lot in the past two years. From creating art and toys to replacing broken doorknobs or backscratchers….