In an era where smartphones are more than just communication tools, the need for devices that combine strength with smart technology has never been…
Popular trending topic: How to make artistic QR code
QR codes were launched in 1994 as a system to track car parts during the assembly process. It’s a long way since 1994 as…
The QR code is dead, long live the QR code
We have all heard the famous quote, or indeed misquote attributed to Mark Twain, “reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated!” Well if…
Even teenagers don’t care about AR apps and QR codes
Last year, it looked like augmented reality apps were on the cusp of becoming mainstream as numerous ad campaigns and mobile apps started to…
The case for QR codes
There has been a lot said over the past few months (and probably longer) over whether or not QR codes are a good device…