In an age defined by digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote work, cybersecurity awareness should be a non-negotiable for any organization. Yet, a stark…
Wikimedia wants more South Africans to contribute to Wikipedia, launches campaign
The Wikimedia Foundation has announced a campaign in collaboration with the South African creative community promoting the right of access to knowledge and encouraging…
Wikipedia’s new crowdfunded newspaper ‘can fix news’
Today, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales launched Wikitribune — an online crowdfunded newspaper looking to combat “fake news.” According to Wales, media’s move to the internet broke…
9 ridiculous Wikipedia lists to waste away the work day
For the last six years of my life, I have had teachers, lecturers and tutors drill into my brain: Wikipedia is not an acceptable…
5 constructive ways to waste time on the internet
If I could quantify the hours I’ve spent browsing superfluous websites on the internet, I’d be father time. But I’m not. All I know…