The smartphone market is crowded, but HONOR continues to carve out a space where durability meets innovation. The latest addition to the brand’s rugged…
5 levels of ethical programming that determine how well smart machines will behave
People are going to have to get used to living and working alongside smart machines. With Gartner estimating that 1.1-billion connected things will be…
Facebook introduces free payments on Messenger
Facebook has revealed that users can send money to other users using the Messenger app at no charge. Facebook Messenger payments will roll out…
Recovering from SXSW FOMO? Don’t worry, so is everyone in Austin
It’s the last day of SXSW Interactive, and finally the rain set in. Judging by the amount of cat love in Austin, rain is keeping people indoors…
Possibilities for Bitcoin’s social value in developing world discussed at SXSW
A US non-profit charity is using Bitcoin to build on Mpesa’s existing infrastructure, making the transfer from US Dollars to Kenyan Shillings that much easier. Connie…