With businesses the world over wondering how to incorporate AI into their operations, a ground-breaking young South African entrepreneur has built a game-changing AI-based…
Apple Watch battery will last you an average 19 hours of mixed use
The all so notorious battery issue is still holding back the all so trendy smartwatch movement. Recent reports suggest that the much anticipated, pretty-looking…
Apple hires sleep expert, might build iWatch to monitor fitness and vital signs
We probably won’t see the iWatch anytime soon but when we do, it’s gonna rock our socks off. If saucy speculation is anything to…
Apple tests solar-powered, wireless charging and movement tech for iWatch
From fitness trackers to Google Glass and smartwatches, each has its own gimmicky allure as well as potential shortfalls. The one issue they all…
Details for Samsung’s Galaxy Gear emerge: 1GB RAM, 2.5-inch display
Samsung’s Galaxy Gear, an upcoming Android smartwatch, comes as no surprise to anyone because firstly, tech companies have limited imaginations these days and secondly,…