South Africa is experiencing extreme growth; from residential solar to iGaming, the country is evolving. As South Africans increasingly opt for internet gambling, the…
Today’s WTF moment: IBM’s TrueNorth superprocessor copies human brain, ushers in robot apocalypse
Creating a synthetic brain has long been the stuff of engineering fantasy and steep scientific challenge, but IBM has developed what could be an…
Fugly Timex IronMan One smartwatch don’t need no stinking smartphone for 3G
While smartphone and washing machine manufacturers ply newfound trades in the smartwatch industy, actual watch makers are entirely absent. It’s just a hunch, but…
MIT boffins create visual microphone with packet of chips
Here’s an age old conundrum: If a tree falls in a forest, and no one’s around to hear it, does it make a sound?…
This production-ready robotic exoskeleton gives shipbuilders superhuman strength
Superhuman robotic exoskeletons are the stuff of legend. Tony Stark, the World Cup and even the U.S. Military have explored the possibilities that a…