In an age defined by digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote work, cybersecurity awareness should be a non-negotiable for any organization. Yet, a stark…
Scout is VW’s new EV bakkie range
VW’s bakkie business is transitioning. The global vehicle giant has shown more commitment to electrifying its product portfolio than most German automotive brands. Despite…
Could this weird-looking concept take on the Smart FourTwo?
Smart, the Mercedes Benz-owned city car brand, has always set the mark pretty high when it comes to technology and innovation in small vehicles….
Apple Car being tested in secret Berlin lab – report
Thanks to numerous reports, we know that Apple is hard at work on its first car, but we now have more details on the…
Looking to predict the future? Your car might hold the answers
Thought F1 was fast-paced? The speed of innovation in the automotive industry makes it look like a donkey cart race. The last few years…