The tech world was recently shaken by rumors of Elon Musk wanting to buy OpenAI, the AI powerhouse led by Sam Altman. But Altman…
The sponsored article, the reason behind the investment
You are seeing the word sponsored articles on most news websites travel sites and newspapers. We look into what exactly is being communicated to…
Everlytic Roadshow affirms email is a serious medium with huge growth potential
The rise of the slogan, “Email is dead,” may have caused some doubt, but South Africa’s largest digital messaging platform, Everlytic, has assured industry…
Is radio dying? We ask ChatGPT and here’s the shocking answer
A question on the suspected death of radio is not only a question but a conversation starter that often leaves two camps at loggerheads….
Is a load shedding website, a hit or a miss?
The impact of load shedding on the economy has been crippling, prompting new innovative ideas that may assist in paddling past frustration and into…