With businesses the world over wondering how to incorporate AI into their operations, a ground-breaking young South African entrepreneur has built a game-changing AI-based…
PS3 will support PlayStation Now service from 12 May
In about six days time, PS3 gamers will soon be able to enjoy the niceties its early adopter next-gen brethren have for ages. PlayStation…
Petty DDos attack forces PSN servers to give up on life
Your PSN account was hacked earlier today, did you even realise? I woke up to the news that (again) my precious PSN account, of…
Road not Taken, Fez, Crysis 3: August’s free PlayStation Plus games
After a few misfires and incorrect rumours, we finally have an official list of PlayStation Plus Games for August, care of PlayStation.Blog. 6th August:…
Russian Twitter source didn’t guess August PlayStation Plus lineup, copied it instead
I accidentally mislead a lot of people when I wrote this article earlier today on August’s PlayStation Plus lineup, based on this enthusiastic source:…