South Africa is experiencing extreme growth; from residential solar to iGaming, the country is evolving. As South Africans increasingly opt for internet gambling, the…
Far Cry 5 Season Pass brings zombies, Mars, Vietnam, Far Cry 3
Ubisoft’s Far Cry series is certainly one of the better first-person franchises out there, and Far Cry 5 looks set to deliver plenty of goodness via…
For (dis)Honor [PS4] review: why P2P connections don’t work in gaming
Ubisoft’s latest offering For Honor is a third-person combat game which sees you allying yourself with three factions: Knights, Vikings and Samurais. Since reviewing…
For Honor open beta: our impressions
Ubisoft’s latest video game For Honor, which I played on the PlayStation 4 this weekend, will keep you on the edge of your seat….
For Honor: what to know before the beta
Ubisoft’s For Honor, an action MMO set to kick-off their many offerings for the year, will see various factions of Samurai, Vikings and Knights…