Artificial intelligence is evolving beyond generative AI to a more autonomous and proactive form known as Agentic AI. Unlike traditional AI that requires user…
Watch Dogs on Xbox 360 is ‘super smooth’, but has PS2-quality trees
Watch Dogs releases 27 May for Xbox One, PS4, PC, Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii U but it’s only PC and next-generation console owners…
HBO lampoons Nintendo gay marriage stance in ‘Tomodachi Life’
Nintendo’s upcoming 3DS title Tomodachi Life (Nintendo’s playful version of The Sims) received a flood of negative attention after it was found that same-sex…
OwnPhone launches world’s first 3D printed braille phone
British company OwnPhone has launched what’s said to be the first phone in the world using braille as its primary user interface. Apart from…
Nintendo ends online gaming for Wii, DS and DSi
Sad news for Nintendo aficionados: the company will today terminate “online gameplay, matchmaking and leaderboards” support for its Wii, DS and DSi consoles, the…